Thursday, April 8th, 2021 admin no responses 467 Views

Digital Marketing Company in the UK

    Market-Forever are set top be the number one digital marketing company in the UK for SMEs. 99.3% of these businesses are part of the private sector make-up in 2018 ( Therefore, with the rise of social media, online transactions and engagement, Market Forever are destined to keep you on top of your competitors both on a local and international level with our thirteen services, which you can find via the Services tab. Consider this – SMEs are the new substitute to the ancient corporations that are sadly vanishing from the British high-street. With 415,000 brand-new businesses born (, as well as 5.7 million of these small-medium-size existing in the UK, Market-Forever are the only Digital Marketing Company in the UK that can help sustain and maintain your competitiveness, whilst surviving past after five years (as only 41.1% of small SMEs remain consistent). Digital Marketing is an ever-growing sector. Currently, 60% of companies in the UK are on social media, with 64% of these SMEs already selling their products online. Despite the good report of these SMEs in the UK having an online presence, a report by Enterprise Management 360 in 2017 states that there’s nearly two million businesses that don’t have a website, meaning that these SMEs are robbing themselves from the benefits of having an online presence and the future opportunities of networking, collaboration and affiliation. Are you a business owner that has a physical business but no online presence in terms of a website? Contact Market-Forever for free consultation on Web Design, Development and Hosting. We’ll establish your business with tailored consult that are in line of the aesthetics, architecture and design of a great website that is functionable, responsive to other devices and represents your brand personality. 85% of adults base their next buying behaviour on first impressions, and state that the website via mobile should be just as good, if not better than when viewed via desktop (, 2019). With our Web Design, Development and Hosting Service, your business revenue can be uplifted by £173,769 ( Plus, it’s essential to develop a brand presence online as a three-quarters of people search for a business and their services/products online as part of their consideration in their personal buying process prior to purchasing from them. Referring to the issues considering the survival of a business, the statistics continue to be appalling in the currently evolving digital age. According to the article by King Recruitment entitled ‘Why SMEs can’t afford to ignore digital marketing any longer’ in the UK, only 17% of SMEs spend time to invest in another in-demand-component and that is SEO. With one-third of these business invest in website analytics in order to drill and understand their customers buying habits. Spending too much investment with little result on SEO? Let Market-Forever provide you with affordable costs and rates that are well suited to your business goals; accompanied with effective research, analysis, strategy and implementation. Our Online Presence Analysis and Competitor Analysis Services consists us providing effective research on brand awareness and visibility of your company to your customers, as well as to your competitors.

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