Social Media Marketing Service London
Market-Forever’s Social Media Marketing Service London offers free consultation on building campaigns that’ll boost your awareness as well as transactions to your business.
Have a look at these facts – there are currently in the UK 45 million social media users, equating 67% of the population. 39 million of that population are social media mobile users (Avocado.Social.com). London remains one of the most connected places in the UK for social media marketing. The biggest players in the UK are Facebook, Youtube and Watsapp, as well as Instagram. Market-Forever are proficient in Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Youtube. Therefore, if you need quote for our services, why not fill the ‘request free quote via the bottom of the page of the Social Media Marketing Service Page.
The Small Biz Report in 2018 goes deeper into how businesses use social media marketing. Their research has found that more than half (54%) use social media to post images; followed by using this marketing avenue for promotions (52%). Collectively, 44% and 49% of social media post are reviews and videos, with blog posts and research data taken the least percentage when it comes to social media activity for businesses. On a positive note, there are 52% of businesses that post on social media every day – a good social media practice if one is looking to build a huge following fast.
Our process under our Social Media Marketing Service London includes goal development, effective content management, creative design management, advertising creation and analytics reporting. With our service, you’ll sure achieve the results that can be easily multiplied to new marketing and business opportunities. The type of businesses that will are more likely to use social media marketing are more of the Women (79%) and Millennial-Owned-Businesses (74%) according to the SMEweb.com. Despite the increase boom of social media and its necessity of boosting brand awareness for SMEs, there is a percentage of 24% of businesses who don’t use social media marketing at all (Nsedesign.com, 2017).
If your business among the 24% that doesn’t use social media, then you better ask for a free consultation, as your business can’t ignore nor miss out on the benefits of new media anymore! With our goal development, we can provide an overview in terms of the current state of the social media marketing strategy and your prospects. Content Management assesses the type of content and scheduling of your social media marketing. New findings have shown that despite the high percentage of businesses having social media, nearly 23% of businesses don’t post daily. Our creative design management looks at the current designs and artwork that is associated with your business (i.e. branding), making sure that each design is formatted to fit with each network’s format guidelines. Our advertising management looks at the optimization of social media campaigns and posts that’ll contribute to the brand awareness and customers, followed by the analytics and reporting that’ll evaluate the success and failures in order to finalise future strategies.